Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Home Front

The Warwick Gaza solidarity occupation group have declared a victory after an Emergency General Meeting of the Student Union was called last Thursday, and 83% of those present voted in favour of the following proposition:

1. To support the action taken by the students staging a sit-in in S0.21 in solidarity with the victims of the Gaza conflict, within the bounds of UK law.
2. That the Union shall not take a stance on the Israel/Palestine situation, but remain non-partisan in order to ensure that none of our students feel isolated or intimidated as a result.
3. That the Union expresses its sincerest sorrow for the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza and offers its support to any of its members that have been affected by it.

(The problem being of course that this presents a contradiction: solidarity with the victims implies condemnation of the assaultive power - that is, the Israeli Defence Forces and all those who support their actions - and a demand for an end to the crisis.)


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